Hello Gadgeteer Button Module

Yesterday I wrote about the series of github repositories with Gadgeteer “Hello World” application coming.

Today, the button module repo is done (for now anyway…).

The Code

public partial class Program
    void ProgramStarted()
        Debug.Print("Program Started");
        button.ButtonPressed += button_ButtonPressed;
        button.ButtonReleased += button_ButtonReleased;

    void button_ButtonReleased(Button sender, Button.ButtonState state)

    void button_ButtonPressed(Button sender, Button.ButtonState state)

The code is fairly straight forward:

  1. React when the button is pressed or released. ProgramStarted()
  2. Turn off the LED if the button is released. button_ButtonReleased(...
  3. Turn on the LED if the button is pressed. button_ButtonPressed(...

What you get…